Events Health Food for Pets and People: Get the Scoop at Turnip Truck East
Posted by Lesley Lassiter on Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:31 AM
Years ago, when I first got my (now dearly departed) cat, Eddie, I let him accompany me at dinner time by setting his food on the table with me as I ate. I was young and single and didn?t think much of it. I also offered him a bite of everything I ate in a fun game I called ?Will Eddie Eat It?? Things Eddie did not eat: most things. Things Eddie did eat: sourdough bread, cantaloupe, spaghetti and all poultry and fish. Fifteen years later, my husband was not so amused by Eddie?s desire to sit on the table during meals or that he required first refusal on everything we ate. Bygones.Many of us include our pets at meals, though I acknowledge that it?s mostly dogparents who do this, as cats are rather finicky (and not prone to eat people food that's harmful to them). Furbabies are important members of the family. Which is why The Turnip Truck is hosting an event this Saturday, June 30, at its East Nashville location, ?Celebrate Healthy Pets.? It?s a ?wellness event? for pets and owners that will feature a number of pet-centric vendors but also promote healthy meals appropriate for both pets and people prepared by Vickie Harris of Paws 4 Health.
Riffs Fine Street Food and Pied Piper Creamery will also be on hand to make sure that humans are well-fed and will have food you can share with your pet.
The event and activities are free, but participating vendors will be selling their wares, and there will be a silent auction on site as well. Proceeds will benefit East C.A.N., an East Nashville-based organization committed to finding homes for stray dogs and cats, and Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary, a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected animals in Middle Tennessee.
Visitors are encouraged to bring their pets with them to the event to take advantage of all the human- and pet-friendly treats and activities as well as have their portraits made at the complimentary photo booth.
The event takes place rain (ha!) or shine at Turnip Truck East, 970 Woodland St., on Saturday, June 30, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information, visit the event page The Turnip Truck?s website.
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