Sunday, May 27, 2012

Choosing The Best Omega 3 Supplements For Health ? ProteinCo ...

Posted by Joe A. on 25 May 2012 / 0 Comment

The following tips should be helpful for choosing the best Omega 3 Supplements for health. While essentially fatty acids are precisely ?essential?, omega 3 is the most important for a number of reasons. It?s the anti-inflammatory fat in the mix of healthy fatty acids you require each day. The primary issue most everyone faces is the extraordinary amounts of Omega 6 in our diet compared to Omega 3. Consuming some ?good fat? each day is arguably more important than avoiding all the bad fats. Proteinco offers 4 essential fatty acid supplements designed to meet everybody?s specific needs. Read more to better understand your daily fat needs and how to choose the best supplements to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

The Skinny on Fat
Knowing how much fat if any that is appropriate to consume can be very confusing. There are some general guidelines to follow and then it is up to everyone to decide how they will manage the ?fat? intake issue. The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. Despite complete and total abuse, some bodies appear to adjust and keep operating at normal efficiency. Conversely, some bodies don?t adapt well at all so those people suffer more, even from small amounts of bad choices. Keep in mind that just because somebody does one thing and appears to do well, doesn?t mean your body will react in the same. With that said, back to the question of ?fat? intake. Is some fat intake ok? Does it depend on what type of fat it is and what food you eat that contains it? These are good questions and here are some facts on your basic needs:

    • Over a 24-hour period our body requires only 11-grams total fat, 2 grams of omega-3 and 9 grams of omega-6 fatty acids to meet the daily essential fat requirement;
    • Receptors in the brain crave fat like an addict craves an opioid drug. Once these receptors experience satisfaction, it craves more to satisfy that addiction;
    • Omega-3 is the anti-inflammatory fatty acid the body cannot make. Omega-6 is the pro-inflammatory fat the body cannot make. When an omega-6 and omega-3 are consumed together, the ideal ratio is 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1 (Omega-6:Omega-3).

    The problem is that omega-6 fats added to breads, spreads, packaged, and processed foods may create excess amounts causing a too high an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio resulting in too much inflammatory to anti-inflammatory fatty acids. Both volume of fat and ratio of fat are at risk for provoking health issues. If the two essential fats are consumed at the same time, the fat that is highest will inhibit absorption of the one that is lower.

    Common oils typically generate an unhealthy Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio; examples are olive oil is 13:1, sunflower oil is 15:1, and corn oil is 79:1. The essential fatty Omeg6:Omega3-ratios of nuts and seeds is unhealthy ranging from 4:1 to 1800:1.
    Here is what may happen when Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio is above 3:1 or above about 18 grams of total fat in a single meal occurs:

    • Risk Blood Clots
    • Artery Constriction
    • IGf-1-hormone (Cancer Risk)
    • Excess Blood Sugar
    • Psoriasis Skin Irritation
    • Inflammatory Arthritis
    • Obesity Fat Weight Gain
    • Excess Insulin

    Choosing to get the proper ration of Omega 6 to Omega 3 through supplements is a wise choice. ProteinCo offers 4 choices:

      • Krill Oil ? For anyone who isn?t vegan, this is our top rated fish oil supplement. Astaxanthin is added for its? anti-oxidant properties making this one of the best omega oil sources on the planet in our opinion
      • Omega 3 ? Since most people ingest far too much in the way of inflammatory Omega 6 each day, taking Omega 3 alone may be very beneficial and all that is required
      • Omega 3, 6, 9 ? This is all the essential fatty acids in the proper ration in one supplement. The reason we sell this in our line is some people do better with the complete formula
      • Flax Seed Oil ? For vegans and anyone else wanting to get plant based essential fatty acids, it?s hard to beat flax seed. Added to any other fatty acids supplement, it can give you a complete animal and plant based ?good fat? weapon to deal with all that may be ailing you

      Choose what appears to be the best omega oil supplement for you and don?t be afraid to switch to another type if you aren?t seeing the results you desire. No matter how healthy you feel you are, most likely, you will benefit substantially from one or more of the above choices.

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